I like to think of the trill — a shorter and shriller version of the standard meow — as one of the cat sounds that enthusiastically says, “Yes!” I’ve deduced this from my own feline, Mimosa, who lets out a series of trills every time I approach the spot on the kitchen counter where I keep her treats and toys. Unfortunately for Mims, the bag is next to the spice drawer, so her treat dreams are raised and then cruelly dashed every time I cook
Cat Sound #2: The Friendly Trill
I like to think of the trill — a shorter and shriller version of the standard meow — as one of the cat sounds that enthusiastically says, “Yes!” I’ve deduced this from my own feline, Mimosa, who lets out a series of trills every time I approach the spot on the kitchen counter where I keep her treats and toys. Unfortunately for Mims, the bag is next to the spice drawer, so her treat dreams are raised and then cruelly dashed every time I cook
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