8 Warning Signs Your Cat May Be Sick
Cats get a lot of flack for acting like Prima donnas, but as any cat lover knows, it’s mostly an act. Cats are extremely resilient, strong, and stoic: Which means they’re very good at hiding signs of sickness.
In order to keep their furry friends healthy, cat parents must be able to pick up on the warning signs of sickness. If you wait for an illness to manifest itself physically, or in an obvious way, like vomiting, you run the risk of serious damage (and a painful vet bill).
Much like humans, the key to a healthy cat is consistency. Make sure to interact with your cat often and pay attention to her habits and routines. (Hint: this is why it’s best to keep cats indoors where you can monitor all activity and there is less risk of exposure!) In this case, no news is good news. If everything proceeds as usual, you can be fairly certain your cat is in good health. It’s when things start to change that you should be concerned.
CatChannel points out that noticeable changes in any of the following could indicate that you should take a closer look:
frequency of litterbox use
stool consistency
urinary output
time sleeping
interactions with you
breathing rate
the sound of his voice
the sound of his breathing
the way he smells
But what is it specifically about these behaviors that you should be watching for? Check out the list of specific warning signs below for more information.
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