Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Decoding Cat Body Language

Decoding Cat Body Language

Confused on cat body language? You're not alone! We decipher some of the most commonly asked questions about cat body language.

Cat lying down. Photography by: ©cynoclub | Getty Images

My 19 cats and I recently moved from a large apartment into a home that has twice the living space. Yes, that’s right: 19 cats — I also do rescue work. Aside from how hard it is to move in general, moving with cats adds a whole new layer of complexity, for both human and feline.
Moving from a smaller space into a much larger one caused some of my cats to become quite disoriented and anxious at first, although now they love all the extra space. How did I know they were feeling upset? All I had to do was look at their body language, and my cats told me exactly how they were feeling, every step of the way.



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